Jonathan Vega, RN, BSN
1297 Lucas Rd.
Mansfield, OH 44905


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Helping my patients achieve.

My philosophy

I am my patient's advocate.

Each patient (and situation) is unique. One-size-fits-all approaches will seldom help patient's reach their full potential in recovery or health maintenance.

I am a team player, team builder, and leader with a focus on excellence and patient satisfaction.

Only when the nursing team, doctors, therapies, patients, and patients families are working together on the same page will the best outcome be achieved

My commitment to results

When I go to work, I roll up my sleeves and become the patient's partner in healthcare.

I invest whatever resources are needed to get patients on the right track toward better outcomes and a better quality of life.

My experience

I am an ACLS, BLS, PALS, and telemetry certified nurse. As such, I have been prepped for many of the field's challenging situations. 

As a staff nurse on both an adult med/surg tele II floor and a pediatric unit, I have gathered experience from a variety of patients from all walks of life

Jonathan Vega, RN, BSN

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